(2021) Mobility of Chilean teachers: Influence of demographic variables, school’s characteristics and working conditions
Research on teacher mobility shows high teacher turnover rates during the first years of their professional practice which directly affect schools’ effectiveness, student learning, and educational equity. This research focuses on the school factors that cause the mobility of Chilean teachers using data from the Teacher Suitability Survey in order to follow the teachers from 2007 to 2018. We also used a multilevel event history model to study the relationship between school characteristics and teacher mobility. Our results indicate that the schools with the highest turnover rates are subsidized schools, rural schools, and those with the highest concentration of vulnerable students. Therefore, it is important to take these factors into consideration for the formulation of public policies focused on the retention of teachers.
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Díaz Sacco, A., López González, D., Salas Aguayo, M., & Carrasco Ogaz, D. (2021). Movilidad de profesores chilenos. In Perfiles Educativos (Mobility of Chilean teachers: Influence of demographic variables, school’s characteristics and working conditions) (Vol. 43, Issue 172). Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. https://doi.org/10.22201/iisue.24486167e.2021.172.59514